Baby wild animals cannot survive in the wild alone without their mother’s care. They keep wandering around looking for help. If they are lucky enough, they will meet kind people who feed them and transfer them to a safe home. But some can’t wait until they get help. No one wants to witness these heart-breaking stories. Every animal deserves to live their normal life.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

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Vasilisa the adorable brown bear cub in this story got that luck. The malnourished animal wandered onto a village in the Borisovsky region, Belarus to seek food. Nikolay Vasilievich Terletsky, a fish farm owner spotted the starved baby bear, brought him home, and fostered him.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

Huntsmen helped to search for signs of the cub’s mother in nearby forests for two days but they tried in vain.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

As the baby brown bear a threatened animal in the Red Book, Terletsky contacted possible authorities about its situation.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

But the man faced a big challenge. He got the same answer from authorities. Either return it to the wild or put it to sleep.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

The bear cub was too small to put into the zoo and she couldn’t also thrive if released back to the wild. It was a very hard decision.

Looking at the cute and innocent face of the baby bear, Terletsky decided to adopt her, keeping her in his farm.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

The little girl then was given a “passport” with the name Vasilisa. She grows up into a healthy, adorable, and playful cub and always receives love and care from kind-hearted people around her.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

As Terletsky plans to develop his fish farm into a network of ponds to welcome tourists, he wants to a huge enclosure for Vasilisa with an observation area.

Image credits: Sergey Plytkevich

The tourists will be amazed at the presence of the adorable bear cub and fall in love with the little girl. It’s much worth waiting for!

H/T: Boredpanda


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